Truck and Tanker to New Market Trailer Fire**Video Added**
By Deputy Fire Chief Bryan Riley
November 20, 2012

At 1105 hours Station 2, Station 22, Charles Station 2, Charles Station 5, Charles Station 14, Truck 7, EMS Station 29, and Charles EMS Station 2 were alerted for the Trailer Fire at 28803 Lillie Love Lane in New Market. Truck 7 responded shortly after dispatch with 5 volunteers along with units from Station 2 and Charles Station 2. Units from Charles Station 2 and Station 2 arrived on the scene finding a single wide trailer with fire showing from side "A" of the structure. The crews stretched attack lines to attack the fire. Truck 7 arrived on the scene and the crew went to work assisting with fire attack, ventilation, and overhaul. Engine 74 responded as an additional tanker on the run but was returned to service a short time after arrival. Once the fire was knocked, Command held the units from Station 2, Charles Station 2, and Truck 7 to complete overhaul. Truck 7 returned to quarters at 1402 hours.

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Short Video from Truck 7

Units: Engine 23, Engine 24, Charles Engine 23, Charles Engine 51, Charles Engine 143, Tanker 2, Charles Tanker 2, Engine 74, Truck 7, Water Supply 5, and Chief 22B